Thursday, November 15, 2012

#21 Bucket List

1: See the world. I want to travel the world at some point in my life, not all at once, but I want to see everything that I  can. England, Italy, Sweden, Japan.

2: See Japan in the Spring. Japan is where I want to have my honeymoon when I get married, and is by far the number one place I want to visit. Japan itself is beautiful, but during the Spring when all the cherry blossom trees are blossoming is by far the most gorgeous.

3: Have a big family. I have a nurturing instinct about me, and I can't imagine my life without a bunch of kids, and a big family.

4: Get Married. It is my life goal to have the most beautiful, perfect wedding.

5: Have the most perfect Princess-Wedding. Pretty self explanatory.

6: Meet Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman is a glorious human being, and I want her to make me laugh in person at least once before I die.

7: Have a lot of kittens. I LOVE CATS MORE THAN ANYTHING OMG I NEED 50

8: Achieve enlightenment. I hope one day, I can achieve a complete state of happiness. Without filter.

9: See my children, bear children. I wish to be a grandma.

10: Learn to play the piano.


Really Happy


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

free choice #20

This blog post will be a vent on why I want extensions.  I've been wanting a nice pair of extensions for a while now, but I think i'm actually going to act upon getting some.  I want some straight clip-in ones, preferably 20 inches, so they're not too long.  Human hair would be my best option, because that way I can straighten them, curl them, or dye them if I wanted to.  The website i'd be buying them from would be this.

Friday, November 9, 2012

#19 Cigarette Smoking

1.  Peer pressure.

2. Social rewards.

3. Risk taking behaviour.

4. Parental influence.

5. Misinformation.

6.  Genetic predisposition.

7. Advertising.

8. Self medication.

9.  Media influences.

10. Stress relief.

I smoke cigarettes because they, at least for me, help me alleviate stress. They arent healthy by any means, but they do the same for me what an anti-anxiety pill may do for someone else. I started smoking when i was in

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

#11 Free Choice SHORT STORY

It was the day of a soccer game and my friend and i were on the same team and we were passing the ball to each other then we were so close to the goal so i kicked it and it hit a guy right in the crotch and he cried like there was no tomorrow, 

I laughed so hard as if there was no tomorrow. So then the ref did a 2 min timeout and check if the kid was okay and apparently not because they called the ambulance and he went to the hospital. Then the game went on but right after the game the opposing teams coach came to me and started cussing me out like i was an adult and he said i needed to be careful and such so then i was like ok and then my coach came over and started to cuss the other coach it was like a comedy show. 

Then it was over and every one went home. Oh yeah and we won the game.

#12 Risky online behavior

1. He was a counselor at my old summer camp. We talk pretty often online and like on text.

2. Nick is like 24 or something. So ten years

3. Yeah, because he doesn't want either of us to get in trouble I guess.

4. Uhm yeah kinda, but I think he actually likes me so it doesn't bother me too much. lol

5. Yes, Because he is older and he is flirting with an underage girl and asking her for sexual pictures.

6. Because she might actually like him.

7. Get out of that relationship thing girl!!!

#9 Top 5

My Top five favorite things in life. Hmmm... Kind of a tough one. But here goes,

1} My Kitten Ruca. He is one of the two loves of my life. He Is my best friend and he loves to snuggle and he's just the best. :) He's an orange and white striped tabby cat. It's cute, his body is really long. All in all he's perfect.

2} Pizza. I love pizza for a multitude of reasons. 1, delicious always. 2, gets you nice and full. 3, delicious. You get the point. My favorite type of pizza is margherita pizza because it's simple and tasty. It has mozzarella, white sauce instead of traditional marinara, Tomatoes and basil on top. :)

3} My Boyfriend. My boyfriend, Josh, is not only my boyfriend, but also my best friend. Him and I have been dating for almost 9 months and I can't wait to have many many more with him. Him and I are both eachothers support system and help eachother out when we need it. I love him very very much.

4} Reading. I have always loved reading, ever since I learned how to read, i've been hooked. I just love it. The imagery and vocabulary, just everything is pleasing. and When you read, it gives you a little "Me Time" to relax.

5} Perfumes. I really really enjoy  things that smell good, especially things that go on your body. I like how there are endless possibilities of scents. I love all the different colors and shaped bottles. its all very aesthetically pleasing to me.